Friday, January 25, 2008

A poem....

Alright I saw a few poems posted so here's mine from a class last semester. And yes its free verse

Heading back

Long winding roads break and weave,

thoughts of what this school year will bring.

Sunny summer days have fallen to autumn nights.

My trunk bulges with gear, clothes and books.

Everything is packed.

My tattered “Wolf pack” sweatshirt dangles

from an over stuffed crate.

Faded signs flash by on the road

“Welcome to NMU, home of the Wolf pack.”

I look out as the pavement zips by.

Wolves have run through

splattering the pavement with painted paws.

The colored paws beckon and point me home.

It’s not far.

College-bound cars rush by, competing for lanes.

Our pack stays steady, weaving in and out.

Scenery evolves, desert hills transform as

tall trees crest the horizon.

The smell of green pines penetrates the nostrils.

The road winds, hills heave up and down.

Anticipation to go home,

like a wolf stalking its prey.

The radio plays a welcomed distraction from the tiring drive.

Suddenly I see the car in front hit the brakes.

They slide left and jerk right.

With a loud bang I slam into their bumper and swerve off and down the incline,

flipping and rolling, splitting bushes.

Crumpled rock meets crumpled metal, bouncing and spinning.

The world heaves,

textbooks fly out of the shattered windows,

My forehead cracks against the steering wheel.

Blood obscures my vision as night comes early.

Like a wolf pack nearing the kill, college bound cars circle their wounded prey.



0rganicmachinati0n said...

Interesting story, very nice poem. I wonder though, did this actually happened to you? I especially like the imagery of the wolves circling their prey: it speaks a lot about the feeling one gets when around such a new place for the first time. Nice job.

* ~ Andrea ~ * said...

I really liked your imagery in this poem. I think you captured moving to college perfectly. And the dark turn at the end was wonderful.