Friday, February 8, 2008

Today assingment's or rather my attempt at them.

Alright, I'll admit I was hungover this morning, I blame my roommate. But here I go with one of the wonderful in class assignments we had. Also I didn't do prompt number 2 but I did 1 and 3.

The first prompt after looking out the window and deciding there wasn't that much to write about in the first place.

1. Student in an orange coat shuffles along the gravel-studded path among displaced red, brick buildings. His staggered steps show his regard for the ice and snow dominating the beaten footpaths. His thoughts are not of his exam in 10 minutes but of his current hangover which plagues him like bad breath making rational thinking impossible.

3rd prompt:

After hearing the news he walked outside. The sun had punched though the black cloud cover warming those who embraced it on this normally gloomy day. The red bricks of the building glistened with the beckoning light, causing it to ripple across the windows of the next to kin structures. I breathe the slightly chilled air feeling the embracing heat from the sun, getting me ready for the rest of my life.

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